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Our Firm

We have been helping investors achieve their goals and to allocate capital across a diversified set of managers. Quantum focuses on generating alpha by allocating across a diverse set of strategies that are intended to be consistent and uncorrelated to each other and to the major benchmarks. Led by an experienced management team, Quantum has a track record of strategically evolving and expanding to ensure we will remain well positioned to capitalize on attractive opportunities and dislocations in the face of shifting market landscapes.

With a wide lens, our team identifies and evaluates opportunities and risk on a global scale across asset classes. With a focus on fundamental investing, the goal is to source the most liquid and effective ways to manage our funds expertise to achieve high-quality returns. For example, we partner with sector-specialist investment teams that possess deep experience in a defined universe of securities and utilize that specialization and focus to pursue long-term sustainable alpha.

Quantum GBL Asset Management ("Quantum") is an investment management firm built upon a global, long-term multi-manager investment platform for endowments, foundations, family-offices, and other institutions.


An International Firm

As an alternative asset investment management firm focusing on cross-border investment opportunities in developed markets, our goal is to provide investment products in various fields in the United States & Europe, and achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Quantum GBL Asset Management, LLC

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